the roads are getting nearer
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Tuesday, August 04, 2009
` 11:21 PM
i've moved! :)

yes Wordpress, finally.

Friday, July 31, 2009
` 11:18 PM
Green Day's 21 Guns

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
` 10:52 PM
"Be Love" is a bold declaration. It's about choosing kindness over being right. It's about cutting out the conditions in which you might think are required for love and going straight to the source, or rather, being the source yourself, that which is Love, unconditional.

So… Question of the moment:
What conditions are you willing to let go of today?

- Jason Mraz


P.S. i know how horrible my blog template looks now, but finding a new one and getting down to messing with the html etc takes an awful lot of time. will do it eventually :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009
` 11:30 AM
1st boat:

2nd boat:

3rd boat:


click for bigger pictures if you bother! :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
` 10:29 PM
finally an update!

work's going fine :) i like the fact that i'm surrounded by people i know, cos most of the pharmacology dept is in the same building as me ever since a part of it moved over from CeLS a few months back. and it's HELLO cell culture all over again hehe :) i wasn't employed to do cell culture initially but a colleague decided to head for greener pastures so i'm taking over her cell culture project. beats doing HPLC man. so damn boring! i keep wanting to fall asleep staring at those peaks. but i'll still have to do HPLC in future. oh well, doing HPLC PLUS cell culture beats doing HPLC alone. lol! i dunno if i'm still required to do animal work in future or not but i'm secretly hoping that i don't need to :S haha.

my lab's damn small btw! there are three of us and one is leaving next week so it's just two! but they're gonna employ like one or two more RAs i think.

i miss Bian's lab SO MUCH. they're one helluva noisy bunch. they're one floor above me and whenever i reach the lift landing on their level (i find myself visiting them more often than i should) i hear their laughter lol.


Commencement was fun :) a great end to an important chapter in my life. am lazy to post pictures haha. they're up on facebook anw! now i finally understand when friends say that they're lazy to post pics on their blogs after posting them on FB lol. yes i'm slow!

i'm lazy to do up a photo journal of the Three Gorges trip as well! zzz. work makes me sian to do anything else when i reach home lol.

shall post a few photos here till the next time i get my butt down to really writing about the trip :) dunno when that will happen! hmmm my mind tells me it'll probably never happen hahaha.

so here goes:

the unique mountains iconic of Zhang Jia Jie. the rain was a mood dampener :(

Bao Feng lake:

sunset on the bus ride to Yi Chang:

a picture of our cruise:

Yang Tze River, or 长江. the water's a murky brown when we were there cos it's summer and heaploads of soil and mud get deposited in it. it's a nice bluish green in the other seasons! DARN.

my favourite part of the trip: a visit to the Three Gorges Dam and Shiplock!

Little Three Gorges:

this picture says "China!" all over it :) haha. at Bai Di Cheng (literally White Emperor City):

pretty flowers at Feng Du Ghost City (a dumb tourist attraction that reminds me of Haw Par Villa):

flying kites on the deck of the cruise with the strong wind in our faces. an experience in itself :)

our journey:

spent 3 days in Zhang Jia Jie (not in map) then took a 6-hour bus ride to Yi Chang where we boarded the cruise which went along the Yang Tze River (see the three gorges on the map!) for 4 days till we reached Chong Qing where we flew home thereafter. what a mouthful! haha.

ok it's 12 am now and i have to sleep! i'm now sleeping at or before 12 am every night or else i'll be a zombie in the lab the next day.

Saturday, July 04, 2009
` 11:50 PM
i'm back! and there's lots of things to settle cos work starts on Monday :(( am so freaked out about starting work. is this normal? :S and commencement is just four days away! damn fast cannn.

after a week of escaping from reality, everything just comes right back and slaps you in the face.

3 gorges was awesome. i left my heart somewhere along the Yangtze River and it refuses to come back :((

caught the amazing sunset on the plane back to sg. :) pretty much a fitting way to end it all.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
` 10:49 PM
went for medical checkup today (for work), and once i handed over the slip of paper with the NUS logo on it to the doc she immediately asked, "Ooh, which course of study are you going into?"


something tells me i so totally don't look my age. like i don't already know.

i dunno if i should be happy or sad. LOL.


Transformers was kinda disappointing. was so looking forward to it for MONTHS. maybe cos i had really high expectations of it! too much noise, too much action, too many robots clumped together in one place, silly plot. rahhhh. maybe i shouldn't look forward to Harry Potter as much i am doing right now. haha!

anw everyone please watch I Love You, Man cos it's freaking funny!! i guess it appeals much more cos it's way different from the typical rom-com :)

ANWWW i just finished watching this Korean reality show We Got Married that has Kim Hyun Joong (i finally can remember his name! and i only watched the parts that has him hahaha) in it! he's mad hilarious in real life, so different from the introverted Ji Hoo :p

yes i know. stop judging me already! wahaha.

randomly, i heard that Dunkin' Donuts is making its comeback in sg! in Ion Orchard i think. i wonder if Krispy Kreme will ever be imported over :((

and another random note: i'm counting down to 26th July with bated breath :)))

Taylor Swift's The Best Day

sweet :) listen closely to the lyrics!

Monday, June 15, 2009
` 11:13 PM
Remember that catchy phrase I won’t worry my life away? For the first time in my life it’s manifested into something more than just a concept. Worry is what happens when we create meaning in a way that brings us down and it’s usually about an event that never really happens. If a dog bites me, I might worry that it could happen again. But that’s me worrying about a dog bite that has yet to happen. It’s me holding on to being bit by a dog. My future is full of dogs biting me. Get it? Therefore, the power in saying a dog bit me has more freedom and truth than saying, “Dogs don’t like me,” which is a worry filled statement.

- Jason Mraz


Saturday, June 13, 2009
` 11:29 PM
"How did you find me?"

"I heard it. The emergency bell. I couldn't sleep at night because I was afraid I won't hear it."


-slaps self- wake up, ts, wake up.

ok now that i'm done with going absolutely gaga over a certain Korean guy (whose actual name i keep forgetting), i'll go back to catching up on Lost! haha. have been putting it on hold for goodness knows how long.


a ride on the Flyer for 10 bucks! the matric card is power :))

my verdict: super worth the $10, but totally not worth the $29.50 adult normal price.


remember how i used to whine in my blog entries about how i can't imagine myself doing lab for life? right now, i can't imagine myself doing anything else. haha.

if there's an opportunity i'll prolly do a Masters in the near future. kl's right about gaining work experience first instead of doing a Masters straightaway after graduating. i can't see myself doing a PhD in future though cos that's really freaky. (and i'll have to pay sab 1k hahahaha for losing a bet!) right now i shall just gain as much lab experience as possible i guess.

for the first time in my life i'm actually kinda excited about what the future holds. haha. that's a good thing! i still don't know where this will lead, but i'll just see where life takes me from here :)

what happened to my Forensic Scientist Dream, you may ask! see, i'm fickle like that :p don't get me wrong, i'd LOVE to be those kinda forensic scientists who go to crime scenes and search for evidence (instead of being cooped up in a HSA lab analyzing samples forever) but there aren't any opportunities in Singapore unless i join the police force which is of course outta the question. so that's quite sad.

i've to thank sinhui actually, for waking me up from my FSD! haha.

will be going on a trip to China with the family on the 27th! too bad the bf can't go cos of work :(( it'll be a good break for all of us i guess, to keep our minds off things that have been going on, at least for the eight days we're there, especially for my mum. and for me as well, cos it'll be my last trip before i start work :S

to say i'm feeling apprehensive is an understatement.

sigh. growing up is inevitable.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009
` 8:04 PM
i succumbed to kl's repeated attempts to convert me into a Korean Meteor Garden addict, and now i'm so hooked!! hahaha. (OMG ts watching korean dramas!)

and it's solely the fault of this certain pretty boy:

:))) i showed the bf a picture of the four guys and asked him to guess which one's the one i like. his first guess was Woo Bin (mei zuo)! WTH!! then he was like "don't tell me it's this one!!" while pointing to Ji Hoo (hua ze lei) -cue fangirl-like squealing from me- and he was like "eeyer so gay!!!"

rawrrr. damn shuai cannot take it anymore. kl, i like him with his short hair leh!


livin' life


*ohm in beijing
*piakpiak in sweden
*pokpok in france

*25'03 album
*faith album
*liverpool <3
*jason mraz
*mr brown
*mr miyagi

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images; deviantart
brushes; none
fonts; dafont
designed; j-wen